Myriad Loot & Inventory
Kickstarter Funded! Now Available on Etsy
Shop Etsy Digital PackageThe digital package includes a PDF Guidebook called “Myriad Loot & Inventory System” and character inventory sheets (with form-fill versions).
The loot cards come in a couple different forms: A “Loot Deck” for randomizing loot, and a “Stash Deck” from which players take cards to represent their items.
The Inventory Binder is a custom binder-box with vinyl pocket pages for a player or GM to keep a character’s item cards. As a box, it can also hold dice, pencils, 1-inch miniatures, and character sheets (folded in half).

Pythòs Tabletop RPG
Now on Gumroad & DriveThruRPG
Simultaneous action combat in a world of mythological fantasy, inspired by ancient cultures of Earth. Easy to learn, fun to play!
Hardcover Book & CardsDigital (PDF)Free Downloads / Pay What You WantSimultaneous Action
In Pythòs, the combat mechanics were designed to be simple and easy to learn, but simplicity doesn’t mean it gets dull. With so many possible combat situations and tactical options, simultaneous combat can be a challenge to master. It’s one of the reasons Pythòs has been praised by both brand-new RPG gamers as well as long-time masters of tabletop gaming.
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Playtester Praise
Here’s a sampling of what our fantastic playtesters had to say about Pythos…